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Book a free herd consultation

Unlock your herd’s full potential.

Achieving consistent profit margins from your dairy herd is hard work. Knowing your herd’s genetic makeup can go a long way in making the right decisions.

Book a FREE herd consultation with our skilled team of advisors to discover how breeding healthy, trouble-free cows will empower your business.

Benefit from:

  • Expert breeding advice and up-to-date knowledge
  • A genetic report of your herd’s potential
  • The newest top dairy and beef genetics.
Book Now
Chris Stone from VikingGenetics

Data-driven advice and reporting

Making the most of big data is essential to breeding healthy, profitable cows.

Share your AHDB data with our advisors, and we’ll help you optimise your herd through a comprehensive genetic report.

We base our analysis on two of the world’s most reliable big data breeding indexes – NTM and £PLI.

By unlocking the power of your data, you and our advisors can develop the perfect breeding strategy that fits your needs. This makes sire selection and genetic progress easier and quicker.

With the genetic report in your hands, you can:

  • Discover your herd’s full potential
  • Get an overview of different breeding strategies
  • Boost all your herd’s profit-driving traits
  • Find out which cows to serve with sexed semen
  • Increase your profits with beef-on-dairy
  • See if crossbreeding is the right option for you
Free Herd Consultation
Breeding advisor with farmer on a field with VikingRed heifers

Future-proof your herd

Successful farmers are using data to transform and innovate dairy and beef farming – let us help you with that.

With genetic analysis and expert advice, you will be in full control of the future of your herd.

Book a consultation with our advisors today and put the records to work for you. Speed up genetic progress, improve health from hoof to roof, and get higher profits for every cow.

Book herd consultation
Matt, Joanna and Stuart from VikingGenetics